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Life on the Road:

Car rides,

Life is full of them.


A car ride early in the morning,

When the frost is still frozen on the windshield.


A car ride that goes through the night,

With a coffee or a pack of gum,

The streetlights rhythmically lighting up your lap.


The kinds that make you car sick,

Where you stare out the windshield, 

At yellow stripes of road, high pine trees lining the concrete,

praying for it to pass.


The ones where you’re dreaming,

Knowing you’ll wake up with a sore neck and a headache,

But for the time being have

Drool pressed up against the cold glass.


I watch the sunset from the passenger seat.

I watch the red light when I have the wheel.

I love to watch the strangers cross the street and smile and wave,

Their faces seem to say, “Thank you for stopping!”


Sometimes I cry in the car, hidden from view.

Sometimes I laugh so hard, I should pull over.

Sometimes I just have to pull over, just to sit.

But the truth?


I’ve never really liked car rides.

Until, they became a way to get to you.

And that is a car ride….


I’ll drive any day

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